Liquidity Exam Procedures
Liquidity is essential to a credit union’s operations. Without it, a credit union may be unable to meet its cash and collateral obligations. Inadequate liquidity can also increase a credit union’s vulnerability to market and total operational risks. For more information, see the Primary Risks related to liquidity.
2020 COVID-19 Supplemental Update
The COVID-19 pandemic may place additional stress on credit union balance sheets. Therefore, examiners place more emphasis on the effects of loan payment forbearance, delinquencies, projected credit losses, and loan modifications. Examiners also review scenario analysis for changes in cash flow projections based on a range of factors, such as:
Changing prepayment speeds
Scenario analysis for liquidity risk modeling, including changes in share composition and volumes
The potential effects of low interest rates and decline in credit quality on the market value of assets, funding costs, and borrowing capacity
The adequacy of any CFPs
Refer to NCUA Letter to Credit Unions 20-CU-07, Summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, for a description of how the CARES Act provisions affect changes to CLF membership eligibility, CLF loan application process, and increased liquidity capacity. Examiners may also reference the COVID-19 Liquidity section of the Examiners’ Guide for additional information.
If a credit union uses the PPPLF to fund SBA PPP loans, examiners will review the credit union's strategy and balance sheet limits in this area. The Discount Window creditworthiness criteria is less restrictive for PPP loans. This can allow for substantial leveraging. See PPPLF Guidance for more information.
Examiners look at liquidity from two perspectives, described in the table below:
Quantitative | Qualitative |
The following topics describe review steps that examiners may follow to assess a credit union’s liquidity risk that will support the assignment of an “L” component. Examiners will determine the appropriate procedures based on their judgment and the specific circumstances of the credit union.
Examiners will also determine whether a credit union has met the requirements of NCUA regulation § 741.12, Liquidity and contingency funding plans. For additional guidance on CFPs, see the Determining the Adequacy of CFPs topic below.
The examination process includes:
Last updated on April 29, 2022